The Wounds of World

The most inaccessible and remote places on earth are adversely affected by human activity.

In 'The Wounds of World' we see a wilderness landscape riven by the scars of our neglect. Our insatiable desire for comfort and transport requires more energy than the earth's resources can sustain. Fifty thousand square miles of forest are lost each year as we strip the earth of its vegetation. We pierce the earth's skin up to four kilometers below its surface and remove over sixty billion tonnes of raw materials each year. We make far more products than we use, and produce suffocating and poisonous waste that not only pollutes the air, soil and water, but threatens the numerous living things that share our world.

Like all humans, I have the capacity to ignore the consequence of my actions. My ability to turn away from hurt is a psychological tool that allows me cope with the difficulties and uncertainty of life. My resistence to face the unpalatable, and my meagre efforts that help lesson the damage we cause the earth is easily remedied. Each day I am presented with choices that, cumulatively, have the potential to make a certain and positive difference.

The World Without Wound...



Switch off a light, turn down the heat, reduce the air conditioning, recycle, use the stairs rather than the lift, waste less water and fuel, eat less meat. Use products that are more kind to the environment. With a little effort we have just enough time to heal the wounds of this beautiful and extraordinary place we call our home.

An extract from the full size work 'The Wounds of World' is presented at the top of this page.

The following is a smaller version of the complete work: