
·  Be Free Of Violence  ·

Art as protest against war and its consequence.


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Some of the most delicate forms of life, flowers, are shown in the midst of a firestorm.

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Fire: a rapid and violent change to something material, from a relatively slow and predictable movement of atoms, into a fierce motion that breaks the substance and forces that hold it together. Movement so powerful that it produces heat and light.

The shooting of projectiles from weapons.

Firestorm: A natural occurrence where strong currents of air are drawn from the surrounding area that causes a fire to burn with a ferocious intensity, creating its own unusual and unpredictable storm force winds and weather.

A human occurrence caused by explosives that cause gale force fiery winds that consume everything in its path that is combustible: all life.

A sudden, intense expression of disagreement, criticism, and protest.


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The artwork Firestorm portrays violence, and the protest against it. The flowers in the picture represent life that is harmed or extinguished, yet the work also speaks of the persistence of a flower's form, despite the damaging firestorm that engulfs it. Here, even at the point of most destruction, the spirit, a quality far beyond the reach of fire, endures.

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This work also features as the first image on the single page publication Be Free of Violence.

A full size extract from the artwork follows.